Sunday, June 16, 2013

30 days of (mostly) clean Eating- week 1

My counter full of groceries from our shopping trip this week
Well this week was a great week of learning for our family. We learned about what real food is and how to make it. The week started with me walking cluelessly around the grocery store trying to find food that I thought my family might actually try. It was mostly a success! We discovered that while actual food is different from the processed, over sugared food we are used to its not so bad.

Here's a few things that we really liked this week:

Homemade granola bars! These became my snacks through the week. They blew store bought granola out of the water and I could control what went into them so it was easy to keep them natural.

Tostadas! Mine came out a bit spicy but with a little recipe tweaking these will become a favorite. It's better than a lot of other Mexican dishes because it wasn't hard to find naturally made corn tostadas in the store. Most other things like tortillas, taco shells, etc had more ingredients in them than I can count on both hands and most I couldn't pronounce!

Eggs w/kale!? This week I discovered that if I chop it up enough, I can put kale or even spinach in just about anything. Since you're supposed to eat at least 5 servings of veggies a day this is a great way to add it in. I simply finely chopped the kale and cooked it right in. I couldn't even taste it. Even my super picky children ate it without a fuss :)

I'll put some recipes up this week. Hopefully this next week will be even better as we find our footing in this new way of eating.

Oh and a BONUS, I lost two lbs this week! I didn't diet at all or even workout more. It's amazing, the pleasant side effects of eating better food, even when you're eating more food than you normally would :)


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