Tuesday, June 11, 2013

30 days of (mostly) clean eating

all the "junk" in our cabinets
Like most moms I'm always concerned about my family's health. Being that I make most of the meals in our house I feel responsible for what my family eats. Since I had a baby earlier this year my food standards have really become lax. In all the busyness of newborn life I reached for quick, easy meals; mostly prepackaged or microwaveable. Soon I noticed us eating more and feeling worse. It's not like we were eating cookies and ice cream all day but most of our meals had chemicals, preservatives, and artificial add-ons like dyes, sweeteners, etc. One day I decided to look at all the food around our house and I was shocked by how much was chemical ridden and over processed.

So I decided that I'd had enough of eating food-like products and it was time to start eating real food.

So, I took everything out of the cabinets that didn't meet the standards of clean eating. Chris's response to seeing this was "well, what are we supposed to eat?" I think a lot of people would ask that question because our modern eating habits are so far away from the way our bodies have been designed to eat.

God designed our bodies perfectly an he also designed all the food that our bodies need to function and keep it in tip too shape. But recently in our history we began to change the way we make food. We moved in to cities, stopped farming and became crazy busy. So we have become completely dependent on industrialized food products- the quicker the better. The problem is that the food industry doesn't care about feeding people. They don't care about you or your children; they care about making money. Over the years this has led to the low quality, highly addictive food-like products that dominant the grocery aisles.

Over the next 30 days me and my family are attempting to break that cycle and start eating actual food again. We are not a natural foods family. We like very few veggies, we love anything we can microwave, and don't even get me started on how much high fructose corn syrup we've probably consumed. My hubby and I were raised in a generation that loves processed foods. We grew up on soda, microwave dinners- nobody thought about the chemicals and processing in foods when we were kids. So this way of eating will no doubt be challenging but here we go! Check back throughout the next 30 days to hear about how its going, tips for clean eating and recipes.


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