Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Making Homemade Butter

I love, love, love butter but it never occurred to me to make my own! I saw a friend do it with her kids and it looked so easy that I couldn't resist. I'm so glad I did because it was fast, easy, natural and delicious!

Here's How to do it:

Heavy Cream
Salt (if desired)

I didn't measure anything and I'll explain why below.

1. Pour your desired amount of cream into a mixing bowl. I prefer not to make too much at once so I can be sure it all gets eaten. Then it's time to start making the butter. There are two ways you can do this. You can have your kids shake the cream in a jar like this:

Or you can use your whisk on the mixer. This is the method I prefer.

 2. Soon you'll notice that you cream has turned into whipped cream and that means your half way there!
 3. After a few more minutes, you'll see your lovely whipped cream begin to get chunky and lumpy. Keep going!
 4. After about 10 more minutes or so you'll see the chunks become yellow as they separate from the liquid. Now you can stop. Here you have your butter and your buttermilk.
 5. You'll need to separate your butter and the buttermilk. You can use a strainer, cheesecloth, or even your hands to squeeze the liquid off the butter. You can keep the buttermilk if you'd like and bake with it later. After you drain the butter initially you'll want to squeeze it to get all the excess liquid. Leaving buttermilk on the butter puts it at risk of spoiling fast. After I do that I form it into a ball and run it under cold water- then dry it off.

6. After you do all that. You can work in some salt. I usually just do this to taste. Every likes it a little different.
 7. Voila! You have butter!
 8. I like to enjoy a little but right then and my kids love it. After you're done snacking on your own awesomeness, put the butter in a tightly sealed container (even wrapping it in saran wrap if you want) to keep it fresh. Butter will pick up all the scents in your fridge so the tighter you can seal it the better. Now your butter should keep for up to two weeks.


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