I have to confess that sometimes the Bible bores me to pieces. I don't even know if I'm allowed to say that. I feel like it's one of those things that as Christians we just aren't allowed to say but in the interest of transparency I'm going to say it anyway. It's not like God isn't already aware of this. I try to read God's word daily but there are just some days when I finish reading and shrug my shoulders because there was nothing that moved me in what I read.
So, why do I do it? Why do I keep reading after that? Well, there are a few answers. The first is obedience. Obedience isn't always the most fun thing but it is essential to living a life that honors God. It's almost a naughty word these days because we are not taught to be obedient. We are taught to be free thinkers and challenge authority which is awesome and good in many ways. However, growing as a disciple of Jesus does require obedience to God. God loves us in obedience and disobedience alike but he desires our obedience because He knows that abiding by His ways will lead us down the most fruitful path in life and He desires that for His children. Kind of the same way us as parents desire that for ours. I love what it says in Isaiah:
"if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;" Isaiah 1:19
I also keep reading because the things that do penetrate my heart make it all worth it. I don't have these amazing epiphanies through God's word daily usually but now and then something I read hits me like a bolt of lightning in my soul. From that I feel peace and joy that I cannot even begin to describe with my mere mortal words. I'd read the most boring book I could find a million times to discover those moments if I had to. In a way, it's like Gold mining. I read the boring genealogies and back stories to find the treasures. And before my theologian friends get all up in arms; yes, I know those things matter and there are a lot of interesting facts revealed in some of that. But truthfully, on a day-to-day basis, I don't care what Japheth's kids names are. I'm just looking for wisdom from God to get me through my life that day. I'm searching for daily bread.
Lastly, I read the Bible because it gets better. I've been walking with the Lord for about 12 years now and when I first started I dreaded reading the Bible. I used to just nod along and make like I was totally doing it, but I wasn't. I really only began reading it regularly out of obedience, as a spiritual discipline. What I found is that in time it became less of a chore and more of a desire. Now I want to read it. I'm excited by what I might discover and yeah everyday isn't earth shattering but most days God gives me a truth I can carry. When I miss day I notice. I don't freak out like I'm going to lose my salvation but I do feel farther from God.
Praying is awesome. Going to church is good, but if you do all is that and don't read the Bible you are cheating yourself. I know it's a really intimidating thing to make reading the Bible part of your routine. We wonder "how much should I read everyday?", "If I miss a day should I catch up", "Where should I start?", "What version should I pick in my Bible app?"
Let me answer two of those questions:
"How much should I read everyday?" - it doesn't matter. There are lots of formulas and devotionals out there you can find but personally I find them overwhelming. Read what you can read. some days maybe you can read a whole book and some days you may only have 5 minutes so pull out your phone and read a verse or two.
"Where should I start?"- Where ever you want! The bible is not a book that needs to read in order cover-to-cover to be understood. Flip through it and find something that catches your attention. The first book I read in the Bible was the book of Psalms. It took forever but it was a great place to start for me because I wasn't raised in church and it required very little theological knowledge. If you don't know where to start it's a great place especially if you don't have tons of time every day. I'm also a big fan of the book of John if you want to start in the New Testament. Of course, those are my opinions, you can start wherever you want to :)
A bonus tip: Use google. Sometimes I know what I need to hear about. Maybe I'm going through something or dealing with a situation. I Will google "bible verses about [insert need here] and bingo I have a place to start that I know will apply to what's happening in my life today.
Bottom line: Reading the Bible is essential and sometimes the Church doesn't stress that enough. We also don't always address that it's not always the most easy and natural thing to integrate into everyday life. If you feel like it's a struggle to read the Bible, don't feel badly. You are not alone. But also, don't give up on it either. Start small and let God grow His word in your heart over time. The pursuit of God is a lifelong pursuit. Today's prayer: "God draw me into your word and grow in me a passion for it. Help me hang in there when I want to give up. When I get distracted redirect me to you. Thank you for giving me your Word and allowing me the grace to grow how I need to. Lead me God. I love you and I want more of you in me. Amen."
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." Isaiah 40:8
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